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Configuration options. More...

Detailed Description

The main controller firmware is configured statically (i.e. through compile-time defined options). Because the configuration is likely to contain Wi-Fi credentials, this file is not tracked under version control.

Before compiling the main controller fimrware, a file (config.h) must be created by the user with the following format:

#pragma once
// define non-default options here
#include "config.def.h"
config.def.h contains preprocessor logic that tries to ensure a correct configuration. The default configuration has the following settings:
  • Wi-Fi is disabled (prints a warning during compilation because it was not explicitly disabled by the user)
  • The TCP server is disabled (due to Wi-Fi being disabled)
The exact default values of each configuration option, and all available options are listed below.

Network (Wi-Fi) configuration

#define CFG_NET_SSID   ""
 Network name (SSID)
 Disable network communication completely.
#define CFG_NET_PASS   ""
 Network password.
 Network security type.
#define CFG_NET_CONN_TIMEOUT   10e3
 Max duration (milliseconds) for establishing Wi-Fi connection.
 Radio communications country.

TCP server configuration

#define CFG_SRV_PORT   9191
 TCP server port.
 Disable the TCP server.

I²C configuration

#define CFG_SDA0_PIN   16
 I²C 0 SDA pin.
#define CFG_SCL0_PIN   17
 I²C 0 SCL pin.
#define CFG_SDA1_PIN   18
 I²C 1 SDA pin.
#define CFG_SCL1_PIN   19
 I²C 1 SCL pin.

Auxiliary options

 Status LED pin.
#define CFG_PB_MOD_MAX   8
 Maximum number of simultaniously connected puzzle modules.

Macro Definition Documentation


Enabling this option will implicitly enable CFG_SRV_DISABLE


#define CFG_NET_SSID   ""
Not defining CFG_NET_SSID will implicitly enable CFG_NET_DISABLE