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FreeRTOS tasks. More...

Detailed Description

void blink_task ()
 Status LED blink task.
void bus_task ()
 I²C bus activity task.
void serve_task ()
 Listen for TCP socket messages.

Function Documentation

◆ blink_task()

void blink_task ( )

This task is started after initialization is complete, and blinks the on-board LED to indicate the Pico has completed initialization successfully.

◆ bus_task()

void bus_task ( )

This function does an initial bus scan for puzzle modules, and then goes into an infinite loop that periodically polls all puzzle modules for their global state.

◆ serve_task()

void serve_task ( )

This task starts a TCP server that listens for messages using i2ctcp, and sends any received I²C messages (also using i2ctcp).